How the Border Between the United States and Mexico Was Established - no

How the Border Between the United States and Mexico Was Established

Despite the acceptance by many Americans in the 1840s of the concept of Manifest Destiny—that it was the providential right of the United States to expand to the Pacific Ocean—the future boundary between the United States and Mexico was anything but a foregone conclusion. Great Britain, with whom the United States shared possession of the Oregon Country, was part of the equation. Some influential Americans were convinced that the British were determined to block U.S. expansion to the Pacific by gaining control of California from Mexico. In 1846, however, Britain’s ambitions in the region became clearer when the U.S. and Britain agreed upon the 49th parallel (the present border between the U.S. and Canada) as the permanent boundary between their lands in the Pacific Northwest. Still, U.S. Pres. James K. Polk remained determined to expand the country’s territorial limits.

In 1845 the U.S. Congress voted to annex the Republic of Texas, which had secured its de facto independence in 1836 from Mexico in the Texas Revolution, though Mexico refused to formally recognize its sovereignty. Between independence and annexation, Texas sought to expand its territory in the west, and Mexico sought to reintegrate Texas, resulting in competing land claims and an ill-defined border between the two. Because it refused to recognize Texas, Mexico continued to officially view the boundaries established by the Transcontinental (Adams-Onís) Treaty of 1819 between Spain and the U.S. as constituting the U.S.-Mexico border, though the crux of the border dispute by the mid-1840s was that Mexico held the border to be at the Nueces River, whereas the U.S. considered it to be farther south, at the Rio Grande. When the U.S. annexed Texas, Mexico severed formal diplomatic relations with the U.S. Failed diplomatic efforts by the U.S. to establish agreement on the Texas-Mexico border and to purchase Mexico’s California and New Mexico territories set the stage for the Mexican-American War.

With the land from the annexation of Texas (about 390,000 squares miles [1,000,000 square km]), the division of the Oregon Country (about 290,000 square miles [750,000 square km]), and the cession of Mexican land granted under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (more than 525,000 square miles [1,400,000 square km]) that ended the Mexican-American War, the United States gained about one-third of its present territory. The border with Mexico would be finalized with the Gadsden Purchase of 1853, under which 30,000 additional square miles (78,000 square km) of northern Mexican territory (now southern Arizona and southern New Mexico) were bought by the U.S. for $10 million.
